Do I need to see a CLT (certified lymphedema therapist) if I have lymphedema?

A certified lymphedema therapist has completed a minimum of 135 hours of training from a qualified school of lymphology. CLT-LANA specialists have completed an accredited board exam on top of the135 hours of training through a qualified school.

Someone with CLT behind their name has training to perform CDT (complete decongestive therapy) which consists of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), multilayered compression bandaging, compression garments, therapeutic exercises, and self-care.  This gold standard of care is crucial to do when diagnosed to go through the intensive phase of care. This is an important step to take in your initial phase of rehab.

Once you are in the maintenance phase, you and your CLT can decide what your plan of care is. You may be able to maintain the work done in the intensive phase with other providers outside of a CLT.

What is the difference between lymphedema and lipedema?

Lipedema Guide: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and More - Tactile Medical